Here's my first list:
The Big Picture Story Bible by Paul Helm: excellent coverage of salvation history, following the creation-fall-redemption-restoration line; Christ-focused, Scriptural, and heart-aimed.
Big Truths for Little Kids by Susan and Richie Hunt: combines catechism with stories; practical, realistic, and basic.
The Gospel for Children by John B. Leuzarder: a basic Gospel presentation for children; God-centered, thorough, and simple.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis: classic stories of the magical land of Narnia that highlight various truths about Christ, imaginative, innovative, and unforgettable.
The Dangerous Book for Boys by Hal and Conn Iggulden: a book written to renew a love for masculine things in boys and men; thorough, fun, active, and challenging. Get it to remember that God made boys to be men and nothing less. (*This book is not written by believers, nor does it make any explicit references to God, but we found it to be God-aimed nonetheless because of its view on masculinity.*) A powerful, man-shaping tool in the hands of a believing parent.
"The Christian Logic Series" by Nathaniel Bluedorn: both The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox are written to teach adolescents and adults how God gives us reason and logic to think about the world; thorough, practical, and illustrative.
God Knows My Name by Debby Anderson: reminds children (and moms) that God cares for His people, even in the details; illustrated, practical, and simple.
The Bible Explorer: God's Truth from Genesis to Revelation by Carine Mackenzie: "a Bible reference tool for children," going through the canon with summaries and key texts; useful, thorough, and thought-provoking.
Ten Boys Who . . and Ten Girls Who . . series by Irene Howat: "a series of four books designed to introduce children to post-biblical heroes of the faith;" faith-giving, awe-inspring, and history-teaching.
Find the Animal series by Penny Reeve: four volumes designed to produce amazement and wonder in young children at the creative hand of God by showing exciting features of specific animals; each book is devoted to one animal in a detective style. "Guess which one this is!" Great for teaching about God's creation.
My God is So Big by Catherine Mackenzie: aimed at young children and utilizes the popular song for which it is named; teaches the next generation about the gigantitude of God.
Resources for finding and/or reviewing children's books:
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and more. :o)
Hi Treece Family,
Thanks for recommending my "God Made something..." series. I thought I'd let you and your readers know that there are now four new titles in the series! Released in July this year there is now a God Made Something Funny, God Made Something Tall, God Made Something Amazing and God Made Something Enormous."
More details about my books can be found at
Have a lovely day!
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